

Your Career

Are you in the right field?
Do you have the right job?
What is expected of you?
Is anyone in your corner at work or in life?
What skills are you expected to have?
Do you have a mentor to further your potential?
What should you do first in your new business or job?

Clarity Day

We offer a process called the Clarity Day that focuses on your communications style, your vision of yourself, your core values, your strengths, opportunities for improvement and the strategies leading to the career/life you want.

Purpose and Benefits of Coaching

As your coach I help you decide if you are in the right field and job. We assess your skills: interpersonal, communication and leadership.
We talk about where you have been, where you want to go, what baggage you are carrying and how to make best use of your experience. I train you through a specific curriculum of leadership skills.


It’s is all about you. I listen to what and how you say things. We weave a plan that will help you achieve your potential. We will be frank, talk about real things, you will hear what you need to hear and we will fulfill your best vision of yourself that fits your values.